Thursday, September 24, 2009

Concept: Trophic Levels

One concept that I have to understand is the idea of trophic levels in environmental science. The trophic level of an organism refers to the organisms place in the food chain. Organisms at the bottom of the food chain such as green plants are called producers because they produce their own energy, while tertiary consumers are on the top of the food chain and obtain energy by feeding on other organisms that are also predatory themselves thus depending on the existence of all the organisms at the lower levels. At each trophic level energy and nutrients are transferred but the energy that a primary consumer recieves from a producer is not equal to the amount of stored energy in that organism. Likewise, with the transfer of energy from any level to the next there is always a loss of energy, this means that at higher trophic levels less organisms can exist.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Problems with Calculus

It seems like for me, the problems I have with calculus are deep rooted, on a genetic level, and no matter the amount of time I spend studying for a test I can't make a good grade. Neither of my parents are good at math, so it makes sense that I would have inherited this lack of skill in anything dealing with numbers. I try to look at it as a skill that can be learned and practiced like anything else, and with practice I should be able to get better. This is only true to a certain extent, and its frustrating that to some people it just comes easy. I have my skills and talents, this is just not one of them. I think I can only hope to pass the class, but I'm definitely not expecting an A.